Lenten Gatherings and Worship
It’s Lent again – a season of great intentionality within our lives of faith. Perhaps some of you welcome this season of reflection, discipline, honesty, and growth. Others might find some reluctance to embrace such practices. It can be difficult to stand up and declare who we know Jesus to be and who we’re called to be. It’s a task that requires we perpetually draw strength from one another and our witness of God’s activity in our midst.
Lent Devotional 2025: Drawing Spiritual Strength
Within this year's devotional, you will find a collection of stories and reflections, written by leaders of the congregation, that articulate how spiritual strength has been drawn from participation in the life and ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Each week will be punctuated by a reflection written by New Testament Scholar in Residence Suzanne Henderson, who will expand upon how Jesus told us who he is through his teaching and preaching.
Pick up a Lent Devotional booklet in the Welcome Center, Fellowship Hall, Narthex, or Recreation Wing beginning March 2. Click the button below to sign up for daily Lent Devotional emails.
Pick up a Lent Devotional booklet in the Welcome Center, Fellowship Hall, Narthex, or Recreation Wing beginning March 2. Click the button below to sign up for daily Lent Devotional emails.
Lenten Classes and Services
Ash Wednesday Worship
March 5
Noon Traditional Service in the Chapel
6:30 p.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
Covenant Choir and (Children’s choir) Jubilate singing at the evening service.
All are invited to begin the holy season of Lent and our journey to Easter with this service of prayer and reflection. Ashes on the forehead are a sign of our humanity and a reminder of our mortality, as well as our faith in divine grace and forgiveness.
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Lenten Life Groups
March through April
Lenten Life Groups will gather weekly, March - April, to discuss and draw spiritual strength from some of Jesus's most important messages and teachings, using reflections written by New Testament Scholar Suzanne Henderson and in connection to Adam Hamilton's book The Message of Jesus. Life Groups provide a place for both spiritual friendship and spiritual growth, and we’ve seen them be the local of transformation within the life of faith. Whether you are seeking to learn alongside peers or among an intergenerational community, there is a place for you!
March 5
Noon Traditional Service in the Chapel
6:30 p.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
Covenant Choir and (Children’s choir) Jubilate singing at the evening service.
All are invited to begin the holy season of Lent and our journey to Easter with this service of prayer and reflection. Ashes on the forehead are a sign of our humanity and a reminder of our mortality, as well as our faith in divine grace and forgiveness.
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Lenten Life Groups
March through April
Lenten Life Groups will gather weekly, March - April, to discuss and draw spiritual strength from some of Jesus's most important messages and teachings, using reflections written by New Testament Scholar Suzanne Henderson and in connection to Adam Hamilton's book The Message of Jesus. Life Groups provide a place for both spiritual friendship and spiritual growth, and we’ve seen them be the local of transformation within the life of faith. Whether you are seeking to learn alongside peers or among an intergenerational community, there is a place for you!
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Crucial Conversations
March - April at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Conflict is a natural part of human life and relationships, but most of us are uncomfortable with it. It may seem easiest to avoid conflict altogether. However, how are Christians called to respond faithfully? In this five-week Lenten series, we’ll hear from scholars and pastors about how and why we should be intentional about the ways we approach challenging conversations. We’ll also spend time practicing together in small groups.
Crucial Conversations
March - April at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Conflict is a natural part of human life and relationships, but most of us are uncomfortable with it. It may seem easiest to avoid conflict altogether. However, how are Christians called to respond faithfully? In this five-week Lenten series, we’ll hear from scholars and pastors about how and why we should be intentional about the ways we approach challenging conversations. We’ll also spend time practicing together in small groups.
Social Media Lenten Fast
Join Covenant's Youth in their Lenten Fast
MARTIN C. PRUITT, our Director of High School Youth & College Ministries, writes: "Lent is a forty-ish day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter when, as Christians, we are reminded to focus and reflect on what’s important in our lives: our faith, our relationships with family and friends, and our mental health. This year, for Lent, I invite you to join me in “fasting” by taking a break from or limiting your time spent on social media." Click here to access graphics you can share with your social media community to let them know your plans and to encourage them to join in on the challenge, too. A bulletin board will be available at Covenant throughout Lent where you can share pictures and life updates with your faith community offline.
MARTIN C. PRUITT, our Director of High School Youth & College Ministries, writes: "Lent is a forty-ish day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter when, as Christians, we are reminded to focus and reflect on what’s important in our lives: our faith, our relationships with family and friends, and our mental health. This year, for Lent, I invite you to join me in “fasting” by taking a break from or limiting your time spent on social media." Click here to access graphics you can share with your social media community to let them know your plans and to encourage them to join in on the challenge, too. A bulletin board will be available at Covenant throughout Lent where you can share pictures and life updates with your faith community offline.
Holy Week Schedule
Sunday, April 13: Palm Sunday
8:45 a.m. Traditional Service in the Chapel
9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. Family Service in Fellowship Hall
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
The 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary service includes all children’s choirs, Covenant Ringers, Covenant Choir, brass, timpani, and organ.
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Thursday, April 17: Maundy Thursday
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Contemporary worship with a dramatic interpretation of the events leading to Jesus’s death. Childcare provided.
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Friday, April 18: Good Friday
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
The last words of Christ from the cross are relayed in scripture and music with a traditional Tenebrae service led by the Covenant Choir with guest instrumentalists. Childcare provided.
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Saturday, April 19: Children's Easter Service
10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Kindergarten class performs the Easter story followed by Easter Egg hunts on our playground.
Children and families will be invited to put flowers on the cross.
After the service, pet the animals on the Circle and enjoy a sweet treat!
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Sunday, April 20: Easter Service
8:45 a.m. Traditional Service in the Chapel
9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
The 11:00 a.m. service includes all children’s choirs, Covenant Ringers, Covenant Choir, brass, timpani, and organ.
8:45 a.m. Traditional Service in the Chapel
9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. Family Service in Fellowship Hall
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
The 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary service includes all children’s choirs, Covenant Ringers, Covenant Choir, brass, timpani, and organ.
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Thursday, April 17: Maundy Thursday
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Contemporary worship with a dramatic interpretation of the events leading to Jesus’s death. Childcare provided.
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Friday, April 18: Good Friday
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
The last words of Christ from the cross are relayed in scripture and music with a traditional Tenebrae service led by the Covenant Choir with guest instrumentalists. Childcare provided.
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Saturday, April 19: Children's Easter Service
10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Kindergarten class performs the Easter story followed by Easter Egg hunts on our playground.
Children and families will be invited to put flowers on the cross.
After the service, pet the animals on the Circle and enjoy a sweet treat!
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Sunday, April 20: Easter Service
8:45 a.m. Traditional Service in the Chapel
9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
The 11:00 a.m. service includes all children’s choirs, Covenant Ringers, Covenant Choir, brass, timpani, and organ.