Envision Covenant
In the fall of 2023, all were invited to come share your voice as we listened and learned from each others’ thoughts and hopes about how we could continue to live vibrantly into our vision.
Covenant Presbyterian is a dynamic Christian community that gladly invites all people into a transformational experience of faith; boldly proclaims the gospel; bravely works toward a whole and just world; and passionately nurtures discipleship.
Report from Envision
At the Session retreat in early January 2024 the Envision team presented a summary of the input gathered from the listening sessions, mission partner interviews and emails sent in to the Envision inbox. Their report highlights 4 existent strengths to build on and a set of recommendations to help shape strategic focus for Covenant over the next few years. A summary of that report is included below.
Now we begin the work of integrating these insights into the life of our church. To launch this important phase, staff and lay leadership are holding sessions with members of the Envision team to talk through the input in depth and begin to reflect on ways to use it to inform and inspire plans for 2024 and beyond. At these sessions church leaders are also hearing about the specific creative ideas that were shared.
The Envision listening season reaped so much rich sharing of hopes, dreams, and imaginings of how we can live into our vision in the coming years that it is impossible to convey it all in one report to session or a single newsletter article. Throughout the year you will see and hear further updates on ‘what we heard’ and how the voice of our community is shaping our future. Stay tuned!
Now we begin the work of integrating these insights into the life of our church. To launch this important phase, staff and lay leadership are holding sessions with members of the Envision team to talk through the input in depth and begin to reflect on ways to use it to inform and inspire plans for 2024 and beyond. At these sessions church leaders are also hearing about the specific creative ideas that were shared.
The Envision listening season reaped so much rich sharing of hopes, dreams, and imaginings of how we can live into our vision in the coming years that it is impossible to convey it all in one report to session or a single newsletter article. Throughout the year you will see and hear further updates on ‘what we heard’ and how the voice of our community is shaping our future. Stay tuned!