Lenten Social Media Fast
During Lent, we are reminded to focus and reflect on what’s important in our lives: our faith, our relationships with family and friends, and our mental health.
This year, the youth at Covenant invite you to join them in “fasting” by taking a break from or limiting your time spent on social media. Graphics are provided below that you can share with your social media community to let them know your plans and to encourage them to join in on the challenge too. A bulletin board will be available at Covenant throughout Lent where you can share pictures and life updates with your faith community offline.
Download These Graphics For Your Social Media

Mobile Phones and Tablets
1) Click and hold the image you want to share
2) Save the image to your photos
3) Go to your social media account and share/upload this image
Desktop Computers and Laptops
1) Right click on the image you want to share
2) Save the image to your photos
3) Go to your social media account and share/upload this image
1) Click and hold the image you want to share
2) Save the image to your photos
3) Go to your social media account and share/upload this image
Desktop Computers and Laptops
1) Right click on the image you want to share
2) Save the image to your photos
3) Go to your social media account and share/upload this image